Improving Health Services, Province Shares The Budget With City Government

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Source: Provincial Government Public Relations
BASED On 2017 Nutrition Status Monitoring (PSG), shows the
stunting rate in Sulawesi Province, which is 36.1% below the national target of
40%, but according to WHO these conditions are still categorized as a problem
of malnutrition or chronic. It is stated to be free of nutrition if the
stunting is less than 20% and underweight children are less than 5%.

While the malnutrition status of the last three years shows a
decrease, based on tracking of malnutrition cases, in 2015 amounted to 569
cases, in 2016 amounted to 484 cases and in 2017 amounted to 479 cases.
Likewise, the maternal mortality rate showed a declining trend in the last five
years where in 2013 there were 245, 2017 there were 141 cases, while for the
2017 infant mortality rate of 10 per 1000 live births decreased compared to the
last three years, namely at 11 per 1000 live births, in Central Sulawesi until
2017, TB case finding rates are still low at 40% or the total of 5,150 cases
from the target of 70%, 34% (4,386 cases).

This was conveyed by the Governor of Central Sulawesi, Drs. H.
Longki Djanggola, M.Sc in his remarks at the Coordination Meeting for the
Acceleration of the Improvement of the Human Health Development Index and the
Achievement of JKN Universe Coverage in Central Sulawesi Province in 2018

While the achievement of complete basic immunization in Central
Sulawesi Province, the governor continued, has not reached the target, which is
88% of the 92% target. Not yet achieved the complete basic immunization target,
due to several factors, among others, the availability of services in difficult
areas, where there are not yet available birth attendant health personnel with
hepatitis B immunization packages (0-7 days), and the conditions that are
difficult to reach, namely remote, border and Island.

In relation to the fulfillment of complete basic immunization, it
will influence the indicator of immunization achievement measured in the Uci
village category, where at least 80% of babies get complete basic immunization,
this is evident from the achievement of 2017, where there are still 326
villages that did not reach Uci’s target, due to the completeness of the
immunization obtained has not been met.

The governor further elaborated, the efforts of the Central
Sulawesi Provincial Government and all levels of health and cross-sector
continued to build cooperation to overcome existing health problems, and
integrated shoulder with private support, as well as all levels of society. For
this reason, it is necessary to accelerate concrete actions in a systematic,
integrated and sustainable manner by the central, provincial and city

The intended efforts are, to reduce stunting and malnutrition.
Additional food will be given to pregnant women Chronic Energy Deficiency (KEK)
and for cases of pulmonary TB, sweeping cases on health facilities both public
and private, and finding active cases in the community include through home
visits (tap the door) and increase the target of Uci immunization coverage.
According to the governor, in 2019, is the time to determine the
achievement of universal health covarage throughout Indonesia, meaning that all
communities must be guaranteed on their health protection into the national
health insurance program. In Central Sulawesi, until August 2018 around 81.33%
of those who had become JKN-KIS participants were 2,371,628 people out of a
total of 2,916,187 people.

13 cities have been integrated into the JKN-KIS program, and only
two districts have total covarage, namely Banggai District and Buol District.
“I really hope our commitment is all to realize the universal
health covarage in Central Sulawesi Province in 2019, where the provincial
government will play an active role in the decree through sharing financing
with the city government. I also billed the promises of the regents who at the
time of the campaign claimed that they would provide maximum services including
free health insurance, “the governor stressed.

In 2019, it has become a national priority program, namely
improving public health and nutrition services, as well as efforts towards
achieving a universal coverage of national health insurance that is in line
with the regional development priorities, namely realizing prime health
services for the affordable and quality communities with strategic targets for
increasing availability and affordability of quality health services for the
entire community.

For this reason, the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government
through the Governor will share the budget for UHC to each city with the Province
related to JKN-KIS membership coverage, with a comparison of city 80% and
province 20%, so that the total budget that will be provided by the province
Rp.47,401,068,000. which will be followed up by each Mayor in Central Sulawesi
Province through the signing of the MoU.

Head of the Central Sulawesi Provincial Health Office, Dr. Reny
Lamadjido, M.Sc in his report explained that Indonesia had a Triple burden
health problem where Indonesia was still infected with infectious diseases,
non-communicable diseases and diseases that should have been overcome.

Through the immunization has provided protection against 8
diseases, namely tuberculosis, measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus,
polio, hepatitis B and hemophilus influenza, complete basic immunization
achievement in Central Sulawesi Province by 88% of the target 92%.

The purpose of the activity is to improve health efforts and
public health status in order to improve the public health development index,
reduce maternal and infant mortality, improve efforts to control disease and
achieve immunization and realize the coverage of the universal membership of
the national health insurance program in 2019.

Meanwhile, Suluttenggo Malut Region Deputy Board of Directors,
Lisa Nurena, in her remarks, first expressed appreciation to the Central
Sulawesi Provincial Government who has played a role and participated in making
healthy the Indonesian community, especially in Central Sulawesi Province.

BPJS health in a period of five years managing health insurance
with JKN participants has reached 201,660,548 people covered by 1 September
2018. The number of participants in Central Sulawesi Province is 2,375,238
people or 81.45% (Data Capil as of 31 December 2017).

“As of July 2018, we have paid the cost of health services in
all health facilities in the Central Sulawesi Province amounting to Rp.
498,205,939,363, while the contributions received in Central Sulawesi Province
for all segments of the participants amounted to Rp. 227,657,586,260, received
Rp. 271,585,882,061, or in other words the ratio of claims for the
administration of JKN Central Sulawesi was Rp. 182.84%, “he said.

Present on the occasion, the Governor of Central Sulawesi
Province, Drs. H. Longki Djanggola, M.Si, Mayor of Central Sulawesi, Deputy
Directors of BPJS Health in North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo and
North Maluku Lisa Nurena, Head of Bappeda, Head of Health Office, Head of
Social Service, Head of Population Service and Civil Registration, each
province and city, the Head of the Provincial BPKAD and the Head of the Health
BPJS Palu and Banggai Branches and other related parties.**

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