New Normal, Rector has Inaugurates of Echelon IV

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Palu City,- Rektor of Tadulako University Prof. Dr. Ir. Mahfudz, MP has inauguration a number of echelon IV officials. The inauguration is taking place in Tadulako University of Rectorate buildings, on Monday July 27, 2020.

As for officials who are appointing, among them Hj. Fadjarawati, SE as the head division the Faculty of Agricultural Education, Parlin S.Kom, SCJP as the head general subdivision of the forestry faculty, Ruswandi S.Kom as the head sub=-devision Adminitration of UPT biological resources in Central Sulawesi Sri Yanti SP, as the head sub-Division of Finance and Staffing faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Beda S.Sos as the head of Sub Division of Finance and Staffing at the Faculty of Agriculture.

In this pendemi situation, we will also are implementing regulation related to optimizing bureaucracy that we have. The activities today which we have to accustom to do together that there are times when we make changes, there is we have to refreshment and as civil servant or state civil apparatus this kind of thing is something commonplace for us, explain by Prof Mahfudz.

A rector believes all of them has already understood about done bureaucratic regulations and believe that it cannot be separated from the oath that was delivered. “I believe that all of them have loyalty and integrity of Tadulako University, so that whatever has charged to him, they will do professionally task and have high integrity, said Rector.

So, in the future all three of you will be Untad’s support and hope for doing duty of service, that we are given this mandate have to do the service, as well as are providing the best survive to our stakeholder especially colleagues and also to our students. He is explain. ***

Reporter: Yohanes Clemens

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