Rector: The Growth of FKM Requires Adjustment

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Peresmian gedung perkuliahan baru FKM, oleh rektor untad Prof Dr Ir Mahfudz, MP. fto: Yohanes Clemens
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Palu City, Rector of Tadulako University is Prof Dr,. Mahfudz MP, said that the growth Faculty of Public Health at Tadulako University was needed adjustment. That was said of Rector when he is inaugurating the new Faculty of Public Health (FKM) lecture building, on Tuesday July 28, 2020.

The establishment of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) which has originally a study program of Tadulako University. After previously are joining the Faculty of Medicine.

As the new family in Tadulako University, the growth of Faculty of Public Health need of adjustment. That is related to the readiness to build supporting facilities for this new faculty. Explain of Prof. Mahfudz.

In addition, Prof Mahfudz leaves a message to the deans, vice the deans and all education staff at Faculties of Public Health (FKM). So, the buildings are filled with various activities. Both from the lecture or staff, because of this covid 19 pandemic, there is no permit from the Ministry of Education to carry out lectures with online.

While, a Dean of Faculty of Public Health at Tadulako University, Prof Dr, Nurdin, M.Si is giving thanks to Rector at Tadulako University who was recommended the construction of this building. This building currently is still in the stage of workmanship and improvement.

“We are thanks to Prof Dr. Ir, Muh, Basir, SE., MS as a former of Rector had initiated the construction of this building during his leadership.” He said. ***

Reporter: Yohanes Clemens

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