Amanda Pamona Inaugurated

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A STRONG Pamona Tradition accompanies the Inauguration of Local People’s Alliance of Nusantara Pamona (Amanda-Pamona) Management Committee on Saturday, April 29, 2017. In the inauguration ceremony of the Central Sulawesi Archipelago, Rizal Mahmud, Indigenous Peoples Alliance, Tagolu, District Lage.

Poso Regent represented by Head of Tourism, and Creative Economy, Drs. Josep Magido, is pleased to open the inaugural event coupled with Amanda-Pamona Regional Muscle (Musda) in Tana Poso. In his written speech, Poso Regent, Darmin Agustinus Sigilipu, gave his appreciation to all Amanda Pamona’s board, for their endless hard work in carrying out Local Discussion (Musda) as well as inaugurating the board. “I hope that Musda can produce a good program and can synergize with the local government in caring for tradition and easing the local wisdom values of Tana Poso community,” Darmin said in his written address read by Kadis Pariwisata, Josep Magido.

In another part, the Regent stressed, the good of the decisions that resulted in a Musda, certainly is determined by the participation of all participants in contributing the thoughts of the maximum and directed. Therefore, the regent hopes all participants who are present can contribute thoughts in weighting the implementation of Musda.

There is also Amanda Musda this time is, the realization of indigenous people in Poso District is sovereign, independent, and dignified. “We want to synergize with the local government in preserving the Tana Poso culture, as our valuable ancestral heritage for the generation of the current generation,” said Ani Ta’ere, the initiator of Amanda-Pamona. Seen present in Musda and inauguration of Amanda-Pamona Board, descendant of King Talasa, Dr. Oriana Talasa, as well as several other indigenous stakeholders, including the Dandim 1307 Poso, the Lage Police Chief, and the Lage Sub-district. **

Reporter/translate: Darwis waru/Jesica porogoi

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