Conventional Public Drivers Rally Against Online Transportation

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PALU,- DOZENS Of Palu conventional public drivers, on Monday (19/12/2017), staged a rally at Central Sulawesi Regional People’s Representative Assembly (DPRD), demanding the administration ban drivers app operation. FKAUI is a combination of driver meter from Main Taxi and MMU Taxi, angkot, motorcycle taxi, and airport transportation. ”Our income decreased significantly once online taxi services launched. We demand that online-based transportation be banned,” said the demonstration coordinator, Andi Rahman, in front of DPRD office. Rahman also questioned the legal basis of ride-hailing app transportation.

In response to the protest, vice chairman of DPRD, Akram accompanied by two DPRD members, Sony Tandra and Huisman Brant Toripalu, received the demonstrations’ representative to make a meeting. In this meeting, Palu’s Land Transportation Organization (Organda) said there were some 570 vehicles employed by app-based services. “what we regret is from the number of the online taxies, none of them fit the rule. none of the yellow platters. Even, there are have a Kalimantan’s platter”, he said.

The meeting resulted in an agreement that the DPRD will invite the related institution to discuss the demonstrations’ demanding. The related institution is from Central Sulawesi and Palu City Transportation Office, Polda Sulteng, Polres Palu, Organda Central Sulawesi and Palu. “The hearing will be carried out in Wednesday, 20/12, or on Friday, 22/12. Today we will send an invitation to the related institution,” Akram said as he led the meeting.**

Reporter : Iksan Madjido

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