While Delivering 110,394 Land Certificates, Jokowi Ticks Citizens

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Reporter : Ikhsan Madjido

KAILI POST,- PRESIDENT Joko Widodo handed over 1,080,950 land certificates to seven provinces in Pontianak, Thursday, 28/12/2017. The seven provinces that received the land certificate are East Java, West Kalimantan, South Sumatera, Lampung, Jambi, South Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi.

“In Pontianak distributed 110,394. Please lifted your certificate, the six other provinces too, do not lower, I want to count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 …. yak there 1.080.950, “said the President to the people in attendance. Certificates are handed symbolic to 12 residents. Deliveries in six other provinces were also conducted simultaneously and witnessed by the President through video conference.

In other areas are represented by a number of working ministers cabinet for the submission of the certificate. The six ministers representing the handover are the Minister of Home Affairs Tjahyo Kumolo (East Java Province) who handed over 459,624 certificates, the Minister of Agriculture Amran Sulaiman (South Sulawesi Province) of 62,543, the Minister of Manpower of Hanif Dhakiri (Central Sulawesi) with 63,926 certificates, Menpan RB Asman Abnur (Jambi Province) 82,121, Environment Minister Siti Nurbaya (Lampung Province) 127.007, and Minister of BUMN Rini Soemarno (South Sumatera Province) as many as 140,335 certificates.



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