The Regent Candidates Will be Decided by DPP

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Reporter : Andono Wibisono
KAILIPOST.COM,- SULTENG- THE POST Deceased candidate for deputy governor Sudarto who had failed to be elected in 2017 has now begun to be rolled out again. Even the coalition of policewoman party has held a third meeting, 07 January 2018 ago. The information of some names is still oval four names. The four are; Faisal Mang, Syaifullah Djafar, Ansyhari Asyhar and M Masyur.
Data collected by Kaili Post said that Gerindra Party supports two names namely Faisal Mang and Syaifullah Djafar. Whereas the name of Head of Bina Marga and Spatial Planning of Central Sulawesi was originally discourse by PAN Central of Sulawesi.  While PKB in its internal meeting gave birth to three names namely; Faisal Mang, Syaifullah Djafar and Ansyhari Asyhar. While the UN nominated chairman M Masyur.
Head of DPW PAN of Central Sulawesi, Oskar Paudi when confirmed when in Parigi Moutong confirmed that he nominated Syaifullah Djafar. The reason, concerned is ASN and can represent the aspirations of the Eastern Region of Central Sulawesi. Because Syaifullah comes from Poso. ” The post of Vice Governor is not an inheritance. Anyone is entitled to God’s permission and human endeavor, ” he explained.
Oskar also confirmed that all the proposals of the political party bearers would be consulted to the DPP in Jakarta respectively. According to him, the process of discussing the coalition of Longki – Sudarto bearers is still time consuming. Moreover, he said, currently PAN, PKS and Gerindra conduct an unconditional national coalition. ” Certainly, surely influential to the process of filling the Vice Governor. DPP has an important role and accommodate from the bottom, ” said Oskar.
What was the result of the last meeting on 07 January 2018? ” Just ask Coalition of Chairman Longki. Do not talk the bad ones.  Bottom line, still in process. Details to him alone, ” he replied. Now it is still concentrating on winning elections in three districts in Central Sulawesi. Is it waiting after next June? ”Maybe yes, maybe no. ” replied Oskar again with a smile.** 

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