Contractor Will Sue Audit Board of Indonesia

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UNSATISFIED With the performance of the Audit Board of Indonesia (BPK) RI, one of H Amrin’s contractors plans to sue the organization. H Amran is the provider of the 2017 Gonenggate TA platform, Donggala, Central Sulawesi.

Accompanied by his lawyer Dr. Ridwan SH, MH, he explained that there are priori elements of BPK who do the project inspection which he did. So it raises the perception that the unit price that has been set by the relevant office through the planning in RAB, stated there are advantages and differences or coefficients. Ridwan claimed to be invited as a contractor companion by the Special Committee Team I LHP, related to the audit report (LHP) of BPK in 2017.

He said, in principle, his side appreciated and obeyed the process of BPK audit. It will seek and conduct legal resistance because of the alleged subjectivity examination conducted by BPK RI representatives of Central Sulawesi. ” We suspect there might be a double standard on the nilau of the findings used in the BPK RI audit, “said Ridwan again.

BPK, said he was in charge of performing financial performance checks. However, once in the area they exercise the  0verall authority. “This should be evaluated, the work of BPK in the region,” said the professor of Tadulako University, H. Amrin said he is not guilty in this case because he is only the contractor who follows all the tender process in Donggala Tourism Office where the budget is attached. How could the unit price that has been determined by the technical team, according to the procedures mandated by the law, suddenly there is an excess so that there is a difference or coefficient according to BPK version, it is impossible to happen, “said Ridwan.

Related to the findings of the year 2016, he said to ask for the policy to be recalculated. Because there are some items which are not included in the calculation, if the relevant departments concerned to be reviewed in the field with the tourism office.

The follow-up committee that was held in the main courtroom on Friday last week presented a number of parties including contractors, miners of C quarry and OPD leaders regarding the findings of BPK. To the tourism development project in Gonenggate Pavilion such as the bridge infrastructure, concrete rebound road and construction of six custom house units, from the result of check of internal control found the overpayment of the project amounted to less than Rp2 billion.

A special committee meeting on Friday (12/7) last week, the lawyer H. Amrin. Ridwan SH, MH submitted the clarification documents as well as the matter of the lawsuit to the BPK received by the chairman of the Special Committee I LHP BPK Abubakar Aljufrie.**

Reporter/Donggala: Zubair

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